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Read The Great Indian Novel Novel Online

The Great Indian Novel


Read The Great Indian Novel Novel Online

The Great Indian Novel is an English language novel.It is a satirical novel by Shashi Tharoor. It is a fictional work that takes the story of the Mahabharata, the epic of Hindu mythology, and recasts and resets it in the context of the Indian Independence Movement and the first three decades post-independence. Figures from Indian history are transformed into characters from mythology, and the mythical story of India is retold as a history of Indian independence and subsequent history, up through the 1980s. The work includes numerous puns and allusions to famous works about India, such as those by Rudyard Kipling, Paul Scott, and E. M. Forster.

Novel Detail

Publisher:Viking Press
Author:Shashi Tharoor
Genre:Roman à clef, Satirical, Historical novel
Characters:Pandavas and Kauravas

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